Fees & Initial Session

“Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - over and over announcing your place in the family of things.”

Mary Oliver

Fees 2024

  • Please contact me by sending an email (directly or using the Contact form) or texting me on 07565123917. If emailing me, please also include a mobile number I can message to let you know that I have sent you an email – occasionally emails end up in spam/junk and I don’t want you to think I haven’t replied to you. It is helpful if you can provide a little bit of context to your enquiry. The more flexible you can be around availability, the more chance I will be able to find a space for you. In the event that I don’t have current availability I can often signpost you to a trusted colleague.

  • After receiving your email, I will offer a free phone call of about twenty minutes, if you would like this. I aim to offer you a space where you can get a sense of what it might be like to work together and where you feel able to choose what feels right for you. If that is for you to take the next step with me, we can arrange an initial session.

  • If you would like to go straight to an initial session, we can also arrange this. This is slightly longer than ongoing sessions and lasts for about an hour.

Phone initial call up to 20 minutes:


Initial session (one hour) and weekly sessions (50 minutes):



Payment for sessions is due on a weekly basis. Unfortunately I am unable to offer reduced fees in my private practice as I provide voluntary counselling for a charity that provides low-cost counselling in four locations in South Oxfordshire. I would be happy to talk to you about them and put you in touch if this applies to you.

Initial Session

My aim is to make you feel comfortable - it is fine for you to go at your own pace and to decide how much you want to tell me. You can expect me to listen carefully to what you say and to ask for confirmation that I have understood you correctly. You can expect a safe, accepting environment in which I will support you with whatever brings you to therapy and what you hope to gain from it. The goal is not to cover everything but instead to provide a helpful starting point going forwards and to give you a sense of what it would be like to work together.

If you decide you’d like to continue, we will arrange a day and time that is set aside just for you and we will meet weekly for 50 minutes. I will explain about the framework, including notice for missed sessions, breaks etc. We can also decide on duration: I see short-term as a relationship that has a specific focus - often a difficult life event; open-ended therapy is a longer term relationship that enables you to explore deeper patterns of behaviour and relating that may have developed early in life but which are limiting you or causing you distress in the here and now. In both cases, we can review what was originally agreed at any point.

“Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you. Your feelings need you. Go home and be there for all these things.”

Thich Nhat Hanh