About You

“This being human is a guest house, Every morning a new arrival. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”


Some of my clients come with difficult or painful life experiences like loss, heartbreak or humiliation, some sensing that they have patterns that are habitual and difficult to get out of that are making them unhappy. Some want to embark on a journey of exploration that will allow them to find a richer, more fulfilling way of being in the world. Some clients feel low and just don’t know why, feeling a sense of failure for feeling that they can’t manage something by themselves or through their existing support network.

The unique space I provide for you, outside your existing network, is one in which you can safely explore your experience, feelings and concerns without worrying about another person’s judgements or personal agendas. However we work together, you can expect me to welcome the whole of you, even the parts that you may be frightened or ashamed of. I believe that what has brought you to recognise your need for this space is not weakness, but courage and hope.

I have worked with people from diverse communities and backgrounds with a wide range of issues. I have had success supporting people with issues such as (but not limited to):

complex and single incident trauma/PTSD, anxiety, depression, abuse/neglect, bullying, low self-esteem and self-confidence, addictions, disordered eating, neurodivergence, bereavement and grief, family and parenting issues, relationship issues, separation, boarding school syndrome, racial issues, social anxiety, stress, life transitions, menopause, loss of meaning, rootlessness, a sense of alienation, inner critic and self-sabotage, questions around gender identity, questions around sexuality, and existential fears.

If any of this feels like you do get in touch and see how I can help.

“It isn’t about what’s wrong with you, it’s about what happened to you.”


“Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods.”

Peter A. Levine